Myah, sometimes known as "Scooter", is our 5 year old Aussiedoodle (Australian Shepherd/Standard Poodle). She is a natural adventure dog and has been on several trips in the RV over the last year and half. She loves exploring and smelling new places and is always ready for a game of ball or frisbee. She has endless energy but is not a fan of the heat. She likes being near water so that she can cool off whenever she gets overheated. Myah is happiest when she is by our side. She walks off-leash whenever possible but never strays too far from us. She is looking forward to discovering new places as we travel around the country!

This is Simba, aka "Simmy" or "Sim Sim". He is a 13 year old Bengal cat. He has lived the majority of his life as an inside cat. He enjoys going out on our patio to eat some grass and has recently ventured to the lawn with supervision to explore even more of the world. Now that he has gotten a taste of freedom, he wants to be outside all of the time. We have taken him on a few RV trips, and he was quite at ease. We think he will adjust well to RV life as long as he is allowed to explore outside the motorhome from time to time.