We booked a 10AM excursion yesterday morning on the Margaret Todd, a 4-masted, 151' schooner that sails around Frenchman Bay. It was pet-friendly, so we included Myah. She's had experience on smaller motor boats and kayaking, however, this was her first time on such a large sailing vessel. She didn't seem to mind the bellowing and vibration of the engine as we started our 1.5 hour tour. Once we were out to sea, the sails were lifted and the engine was turned off. We quietly and peacefully glided across the bay. The captain narrated on the history of the area while carefully maneuvering around the hundreds of lobster traps as we silently sailed around this picturesque coastline. It was a perfect day for such an outing. The sky was clear and the temperature was just right. As usual, Myah drew attention from some of the passengers. Several people stopped by to pet her including a young, teen-aged girl who was totally enamored with her. There were a few other dogs on board, too.
After the bay excursion, we had lunch at a restaurant in Bar Harbor and then decided to drive 44 miles to the Schoodic Peninsula. The captain on the schooner recommended a trip to this less-visited part of Acadia National Park. According to visitacadia.com, only about 10% of the visitors to Acadia NP make it to this side of the park. It is the only part of the park that is on the mainland and is more secluded and remote but equally if not more beautiful than Mount Desert Island. We spent about an hour climbing the granite rocks and taking in the ocean views before heading back to the campground.